Bed Lift – Save Space- Increase Safety – Increase Revenue By Stacking Spare Beds Vertically


Beds Lift Is A Simple Secure Reliable Way For Vertical Storage Of Excess Foldable Multi-Function Beds In Hospitals. In Multi-Speciality Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Poly-Clinics, Day Care Centers

Common Bed Storage Challenges In Hospitals

  • Multifunctional beds frequently malfunction due to electrical failure.
  • These expensive beds are usually repaired rather than replaced.
  • In order to make use of all available licensed beds, beds must be stocked to meet demand.
  • Store-rooms Take Up Too Much Square Foot Space With These Extra Beds Storage Units.
  • Oversized Beds Stored in Corridors Increase Fire Safety Risks and Cause Clutter.
  • It could admit more patients and generate more revenue if this expensive hospital space could be saved.
  • Keeping beds at locations far from their points of use raises labor expenses.
  • These Beds Are Difficult to Fold and Store on Racks.
  • Access to other items in the store room is impeded by the bulky size of the beds.
  • In hospitals, nursing homes, polyclinics, and day care centers, beds lifts can save extremely expensive hospital space, which is 60 square feet per bed.
  • Quick ROI: Saved space can be put to better use, such as increasing patient intake capacity or using it for pharmacies.
  • Foldable spare multi-function beds that are under repair are stacked vertically. Assists in Meeting Demand for On-Demand Supply of Licensed Beds.
  • Depending on available space, it can be designed to store three to five beds vertically, with the beds being inserted from either side or the ends.
  • The system’s overall footprint is merely little bigger than that of a single bed.
  • Prevents Clutter in Halls, Store Rooms, and Corridors—A Critical Risk for Fire Accidents.
  • Safe and secure bed storage close to the point of use. Storage that is enclosed lessens the risk of fire and damages beds.
  • Helps Reduce Labor Costs and Save Time When Transporting And Storing Beds
  • Efficient Setup. Simple to Use. Beds Are Raised With A Button Press.
  • Anti-microbial paint is an option for the system.
  • The beds are arranged vertically in a Last In/First Out (LIFO) picking configuration.
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 Posted by at 6:02 am